To complete your request, please fill out the details below. 

If this person is a contractor then please provide an end date. If you don't have a specific date, set it for how long you have payment for the role, and then put a reminder in your diary to update us. This will stop your user having their account expire unknowingly.


Requested BY:
Approved BY:
Date Requested:
Start Date:
End Date (If contract)

First Name:
Permanent or Contract
Job/role Title:
Email Address
([email protected] is the default, please clarify if the user has a double-barrelled name or if in the process of changing it)

Email Group Membership:Everybody

Managers Name:

Will new user require access to other people’s mailboxes? If so, state their names & specify type of access required, e.g. full access to others’ mailboxes or calendar only.
Names of existing users needing access to this new user’s mailbox
File permissions required
(network drives, e.g. J:, or I: drive). Simply stating “Shared drive” is not sufficient.
Full name of existing user whose settings we can copy
(security/distribution groups, network drives)
Does the user have any preferences for using a MacOS or Windows laptop?
Software applications required