Here're instruction on how to add your email address to the Printers so anything you scan can be emailed to yourself:
1) On the main home page of the printer: touch the 'Scan and Send' button
2) Touch the 'Address Book' button
3) Touch the 'Register/Edit' button (right side of the screen about half way down)
4) Touch the 'Register New Dest.' button (right side of the screen near the top)
5) Touch the 'E-Mail' button (this menu determines how you want what you scan sent to you)
6) Touch the 'Name' button or the empty text box next to it and enter your name (either just first name or first and last name) and press okay
7) Touch the 'E-Mail Address' button or the empty text box next to it and enter your email address, press okay when done.
8) You should be returned to the 'Scan and Send' menu after this, check to make sure your entry has gone through (names are listed alphabetically by first name)
Please note: you'll have to repeat this process on both scanners.